Earth Day Event


Earth Day Recycling Event

  • Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Penn Yan, NY – Earth Day is April 22nd! To celebrate, Cornell Cooperative Extension- Yates County will partner with Two Can Dan’s Redemption Center to once again host a recycling and Earth Day educational event on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019. Two Can Dan’s will once again accept household appliances, electronics [no box TV’s], and all metal, large appliances for recycling (anything with a coolant requires a $10.00 fee) at their location, 137 Benham Street, Penn Yan. Small boxes of personal papers for recycling may be brought to the CCE-Yates event in the rear of the First Baptist parking lot. There will also be locked bins at the CCE-Yates site for shredding confidential documents (Please ensure that all paper/binder clips are removed. If bringing five or more boxes, please call the CCE-Yates office ahead of time) This event is free and open to the public. We are also thrilled to announce that we will be handing out free reusable silicone drinking straws, yard waste bags, and native shrubs at the event. We hope these giveaways will help everyone who attends be able to make a small change to help our environment. 

For more information, please call the CCE-Yates office at 315-536-5123. 




Caroline Boutard-Hunt
Agriculture & Horticulture Development Specialist
(315) 536-5123 ext. 4375


Penn Yan First Baptist Church
224 Main Street
Penn Yan, NY 14527

Last updated April 12, 2019