Find information about invasive species...
environmental regulations...
preparing for or recovering from natural disasters...
water and septic issues...
and more environmental topics, here on our site!
Our staff works to engage with the community to solve and respond to key environmental challenges, reduce and make more equitable our collective use of the Earth's resources, and inspire respect for natural systems and our reliance on them.
Last updated July 18, 2016
Cornell’s NY Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) pages include information on how to prepare for emergencies including natural disasters, power outages, fires, infectious diseases, radiation spills and more!
Cornell's ForestConnect provides forest owners with educational resources to help them make decisions about the management of their property.
Yates County Building
417 Liberty Street, Suite 1024
Penn Yan, New York 14527
TEL: (315) 536-5123
FAX: (315) 536-5117
8:30 AM- 4:30 PM, M-Fri
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Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities.
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