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Donate to CCE-Yates County - An Extension into the Future


Cornell Cooperative Extension makes a difference every day - today, YOU can help make that difference.

Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) has been deeply rooted in the Yates County community for over 100 years. Our connection to Cornell University and the 112 additional institutions comprising the Land Grant University System allows us immeasurable access to research and resources to help address needs and issues affecting our local community.

CCE-Yates works with youth and families, area farms and businesses, as well as local community organizations to serve as a vital connection to research-based education and resources. This year, we are excited to have a matching funds opportunity for our Friend of Extension campaign. An anonymous donor has offered to match donations received up to $5,000. Please help us reach this goal and maximize our fundraising efforts.

Our association is pleased to share some of this year’s projects and accomplishments and ask you to consider how CCE-Yates County has improved your life and community:

  • 4-H Youth Development- Reached over 1600 youth contacts with hands-on positive youth development programming via over 130 educational opportunities.
  • Agriculture- Provided a variety of farm workshops on subjects including soil health, cover crops, pest management, and farm finance.
  • Family Budgeting & Life Skills- Provided FREE resources via workshops, 1:1 education, and community outreach, including budgeting tools, calendars/planners, expandible file folders, calculators, and lightbulbs.
  • Finger Lakes Grape Program (FLGP)- Cornell’s Grape Breeding Program released a new “Aravelle” variety this year after over 10 years of test plot research conducted by the FLGP at their teaching vineyard located at Anthony Road Winery in Penn Yan, NY.
  • Master Gardeners & Community Horticulture- Over 100 Master Gardener calls were answered, 30 site visits completed, and 539 volunteer hours were donated by 12 Master Gardeners. Also, over 600 lbs. of produce grown in the Penn Yan Community Garden was donated to local food pantries.
  • Cornell Vegetable Program (CVP)- Farm food safety training was provided to address the needs of Amish and Mennonite farmers. CVP also hosted Finger Lakes Produce Auction Educational Meetings, which over 200 people attended.
  • Natural Resources- Stabilization of Sugar Creek behind the Branchport- Keuka Park Fire Department with a toewood restoration and planting of a riparian buffer consisting of 20 trees and 450 native vegetative plants for overall erosion control.
  • SNAP-Ed- Taught a 5-week Fruit and Vegetable Prescription (FVRx) program in Yates County focused on decreasing chronic illnesses through healthy eating and physical activity education.

As we look at the future of CCE-Yates, we are encouraged by the possibilities for growth and increased outreach, education, and services for Yates County. Your tax-deductible Friend of Extension donation allows us to continue our work and expand our effectiveness as we head into 2024. Help us achieve our mission and increase our efforts to enable people to improve their lives and communities through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work. 

Thank you in advance for your support. 

To become a Friend of Cornell Cooperative Extensiondownload a donation form here. Online donations can be made via PayPal by clicking the PayPal button on the left-hand side of this page

Building Strong and Vibrant New York Communities

“Cornell Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities”.

Last updated June 12, 2024