
Advice on timber harvest, land management and invasive species.

Master Forest Owners Woods Walk June 2014 Del Allen's

Educational Programs

Master Forester

One-on-One Site Visits

Master Forest Owners (MFOs)

Over 14 million acres of woodland in NY State are privately owned by approximately 500,000 nonindustrial forest owners. That’s over 3/4 of New York’s total forest area! It is estimated that less than 1/4 of the state’s private forest holdings are purposefully managed despite the educational programs and technical services available. In order to reap the benefits of this vital resource, sound stewardship is necessary. Stewardship objectives involve management practices that ensure ecologically sound forest productivity. Forests represent a precious commodity that, if wisely managed, can generate a variety of economic, ecological, and aesthetic values to forest owners and their communities, generation after generation.

The Master Forest Owners Volunteer Program provides private forest owners of New York State with the information and encouragement necessary to manage their forest holdings wisely. Our experienced and highly motivated volunteers are available to meet with forest owners in their woodlots to discuss forest owner objectives and how to find the assistance they need. Master Forest Owners (MFOs) have received training from Cornell University's Department of Natural Resources that complements their experience as forest owners.

All MFOs are graduates of a 4-day training program, where they learn about sawtimber and wildlife management, forest economics, and ecology. The MFOs continue to receive information updates, attend refresher classes and maintain contact with natural resource managers from private, public, and academic organizations.

For more information on contacting or becoming a Master Forest Owner, visit the website at:

Last updated August 21, 2020