Gardening Matters Newsletter

Gardening Matters Newsletter

What is Gardening Matters? Gardening Matters is a newsletter published four times a year in spring, summer, fall, and winter and is put together by the Yates County Master Gardener Program. Our goal behind this is to be an educational resource for the home gardener. For $10 per subscription, readers get:

  • Four issues with seasonally relevant tips and tricks to ensure your garden stays its best.
  • Up-to-date information from Master Gardener Volunteers from all over the USA
  • The opportunity to submit your questions or "gardening hacks" for a chance to be published in the future. 

The Master Gardener Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in partnership with their county Cooperative Extension offices to extend gardening information to the local community. Over 1,500 volunteer Master Gardeners in New York State contribute educational services to meet the outreach mission of Cornell, influencing many thousands of consumers on horticultural issues. Up to their elbows in dirt, Master Gardeners see soil as the base for the germination of seeds destined to become beautiful plants, blooming in their maturity. 

We hope “Gardening Matters” will be a valuable tool for you during this uncertain time. To get your subscription, click here, or mail a check made out to “CCE Yates County” to our office at 417 Liberty Street, Penn Yan NY 14527. 


Caroline Boutard-Hunt
Agriculture & Horticulture Development Specialist
(315) 536-5123 ext. 4375

Last updated April 18, 2024