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4-H Virtual Learning

As a result of COVID-19, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Yates County and the Yates County 4-H Program has suspended in-person workshops and gatherings until further notice. As we’re all adapting to learning and working from home, we’ve developed this platform, in addition to our Yates County 4-H Facebook page, to share information and resources with our families. Please reach out to us ( if there is information you’re in need of or resources/topics you’d like to see shared. Stay well and enjoy our virtual programming opportunities. We look forward to seeing you in person, in the future! 

Yates County Fair "Re-Imagined"

Virtual Learning Video Tutorials

"Let's Make Butter!"

"Cake Decorating"

Spring Cake Decorating Activity

Upcycled Flower Pot

Homemade Soft Pretzels

Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream!

Mug Mondays: Pizza!

Mug Mondays: Mac & Cheese!

Mug Mondays- Blueberry Muffins!

Mug Mondays- Chocolate Lava Cake!

Mug Mondays- Omelet!

Mug Mondays- Pumpkin Cake (Final Episode)


Jen Clancey
4-H & Human Ecology Team Leader, Interim Executive Director
(315) 536-5123 ext. 4374

Last updated January 14, 2021